
Sustainability / Kaitiakitanga Inquiry, Term 2

Our inquiry for term 2 is Sustainability and Kaitiakitanga, looking after our world and being guardians of our environment. Steve Hathaway from Young Ocean Explorers came and spoke to all classes in week 1, and his key point was doing our part to ensure that our rubbish does not end up in the ocean, where it is a threat to sea life.  Any rubbish that does not go in a bin will eventually end up in the sea. Room 30 were challenged by his presentation, and we decided to go out into our school and pick up as much rubbish as we could find, then count it to see how much we are not getting into our rubbish bins.  Students made a guess before we went of how much rubbish they predicted we would find. The highest number guessed was 100 and we hoped that would not be the closest, but unfortunately it was.  We picked up almost 150 pieces of rubbish and that was before morning tea. Our next challenge is to make some posters for sustainability, and to hopefully make a change in...

Breakers Training

During the last four weeks of term 1 we were really lucky to have four sessions with Jordan, a development coach from Breakers Basketball. Jordan took the class through some techniques of dribbling and shooting a basketball, and some of the fun games you can play using basketballs. Room 30 really enjoyed their sessions with Jordan and the basketball players in our class picked up some great tips.

Persuasive Popsicles

We have spent the last few weeks doing a Persuasive Writing unit, where your children have been producing some wonderful persuasive arguments in the form of letters.  They have been using persuasive phrases such as "I strongly believe" and "for these reasons". For a bit of fun, while I was at a course I asked our reliever to get the students to write me a persuasive letter to convince me of why they deserved an ice-block. The result was some really great, creative writing that warmed my heart and they were rewarded with a lemonade Popsicle under the trees.   I am looking forward to seeing more amazing writing from Room 30.

Rakau Fun

As part of our inquiry for term 1, we have been looking into parts of Maori culture, including art, music, legends, and language. On Friday Room 30 had a lot of fun learning a song, 'E Papa Waiari', with rakau (sticks).     For the next part of our inquiry we will begin to research the same elements (music, art, clothing, food, stories and legends) of other cultures and the things that make us unique and give us powerful voices. If you have anything you can contribute to that from your own culture we would love to welcome you into our classroom to share.  Please let me know.

Welcome to 2019

Welcome back to 2019 We have had a great start to school for 2019 in Room 30.  Our students have been eager to learn and full of great, creative ideas.  We are really excited to see what this year brings. This term our focus is: Integrated  Inquiry  Whanaungatanga (Kinship, Relationships), with a major focus being Our Voices are Powerful . Maths     Statistical Investigation Addition & Subtraction Reading Shared Reading Guided Reading Writing Recount Writing Descriptive Writing Information Report Writing Physical Education      Basketball Small Ball Skills Art             Mixed Media– (Painting, Crayon and Dye, Pastels)